Monday, January 28, 2008


We got a good five inches of snow last night, fluffy and clingy. Charlie growled off to work in his super-snow-car and I went around with a broom handle knocking at the delicate willow branches. Last year both of our pretty willows in the driveway center got squashed by ice and snow. They are both held up by stakes and rope now, but droop alarmingly once they get a few pounds of snow on the branches. Truth be told I don't mind, since knocking off the snow is fun.

The turkeys ventured out from the coop and came around front to request some treats. They're loitering on the front porch right now and looking in through the living room window whenever I pass by. "Look, she's vacuuming!" One can only hope that I provide enough entertainment for their sawdust brains.

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