Friday, January 4, 2008


A total random YouTube find from this evening.....Meor the cat. Sometimes we feel like our cats are loudmouths. After seeing this, we realize that they are shy timid violets.

If you have the time, the video titled "Meor 2" is actually a bit funnier, but I couldn't manage to embed it directly.


Anonymous said...

Holy COW.

I played this for about five seconds and both my cats came tearing into the office, backs arched, ready to fight.

I turned it off as fast as I could.

That is one FREAKED cat.

Don Paolo

sarah said...

The strangest thing is that I watched a few more videos of the cat, and this is just his normal mewling voice. He doesn't seem to be especially crazy or angry, he's just the Ethel Merman of the cat world.