Thursday, January 3, 2008

Damnable Ribbon

Who, me? But I have sporty shaven cuffs!

I was cleaning out the litterbox today and I found It. Merrily scooping, I was, humming a festive tune and enjoying my feline duties and There It Was. Hanging off of the edge of my scoop, something that should not be in there.

I almost took a photo. It was that amazing. And ultimately that revolting, so I decided not to memorialize the moment. In the midst of that happy cat poop was A Piece Of Ribbon. It was a clump, but being curious I donned a pair of disposable gloves (with so many remodeling projects I have an enormous bag of them) and, well, let's just say I *investigated* the suspicious lump. What started as a wad of red ended up being, once pulled out, a piece of chiffon-like red ribbon Over Two Feet In Length. Digestion had compacted it and mixed it with poop of the average sort, but the evil evidence was there. Oh, Harry, we thought you only addicted to curly ribbon. Well, and we also thought that your veterinary problems were of the digestive acid sort. Now there won't be any ribbon allowed in the house forever more. Obviously he broadened his horizons without ever giving indication. He must have removed an entire length of ribbon from a package, leaving no evidence that it had ever been there.

In more palatable news, I forgot to tell of Gladys' Christmas present to me. She laid her first egg! I was starting to think she was some sort of sexless tomboy chicken but she finally laid an egg. It is teeny tiny, as befitting her banty chicken status, but her subsequent eggs have been delicious. Again they are pointing out the sad difference between home and store eggs. Her yolks are almost hazard orange in their richness. I can't wait to get more chickens in the spring! Following tradition, her first egg was blown out, labeled with her name, and shoved into the wire chicken statue that sits on top of my desk.

1 comment:

Maggi said...

Oh man. That's the kind of stuff that you just never see coming. I mean...come on! a whole ribbon? :/

Then again, as the owner of a plastic eater, I really should expect it shouldn't I?

Congratulations to Gladys on her first egg!