Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jive Turkeys

Jive Turkeys That I Do Not Like:

The jerk who sideswiped Charlie's car when it was parked in the back empty ocean of the Fred Meyer parking lot on Monday afternoon. I parked it there because his car is rather big, and I don't like squeezing into a space. When I got out to walk into the store, I could have flung my arms out and spun around while singing the intro to "The Sound of Music" and not hit a single auto. But somehow, someone managed to scrape up the entire driver's side of the car while I was shopping. The scratches are high enough that it must have been another big car. A big car driven by a JERK.

I spent half of my day running around to Woodinville town hall, where I spoke to the police chief who was lovely and nice (he came out from his desk all covered in gold braid and navy blue just to help me) but ultimately couldn't help me because the accident was in Redmond, and then to the Redmond town hall where I addressed a surly automaton behind plexiglass and was pretty much told to take a particular form and shove it. All I needed was to file a police report so Geico could claim uninsured motorist coverage instead of the regular deductible. Since there is a 72 hour deadline, this mail-in-only-to-Olympia form is going to do me no good at all. Things will still get fixed and work out fine, but I'll have to satisfy a bigger deductible to do it.

Next time I will try to get in an accident in my own town.

Jive Turkeys That I Do Very Much Like:

The turkeys have finally figured out that I am not going to attack them if they come near me. For about a month they've had a good grasp of the human=corn equation but couldn't quite bring themselves to eat out of my hand. Last week they took the plunge and today I documented it for the first time. It also shows the shocking size difference between them and Gladys.

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