Friday, October 29, 2010


The boys attended their first work halloween party today. It was filled with kids and candy and spooky decorations. My favorite costume: a three week old little girl wrapped up in aluminum foil with a real tortilla and lettuce cradling her head. Baby burrito, indeed! There were several luke skywalkers, princess leas, a harry potter and her red spooky witch sister, race car drivers, bumblebees and ladybugs, everything you could imagine. And two skeletons. I meant to take better pictures but Dash managed to pee all over his on the way home, was raging in general, and it had to get pulled off rather quickly. Luckily I grabbed a couple of pictures before we left.

Other than that adventure, Charlie's mom is visiting for a week and watching the boys grow. You'd think the woman had already raised a set of twins, the way she's handled some of their night shifts. I slept for seven hours in a row.

The boys are in a super cute stage, Liam especially. He's so very close to smiling at me. We spend a lot of time staring at each other and sticking our tongues out. Dash is suffering through a bit of a cold that Charlie brought home from work, so the poor guy has been sacked out on somebody's lap pretty much continuously, snorting and snuffling. I'm sure his turn to be cute will come next week. This is Liam during one of our late night mutual adoration sessions:

And so as not to play favorites, Dash looking cute on Charlie's lap

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