Monday, December 17, 2007


The main road outside our house, last year

This time last year Charlie and I were rather cold. We had been without power for a few days and were still trying to get the house ready for the families to come visit. I remember laughing because we were using a hacksaw and miter box to trim the runners for sliding doors in the guest bedroom. We were installing closet doors, for pete's sake, and wearing hats and long underwear in the house because it was getting super cold. When it got dark every afternoon at 4pm we were forced to stop working and sat by the fire and played cribbage until we couldn't stay awake anymore.

Our road, a few miles down. We got all new power poles!

Today is much nicer. The furnace has warmed the house up to my morning treat of 70 degrees (before it slowly starts cooling off for the day). My foot is killing me, but I'm taming it with ice packs and have one more day of doctor's orders to not walk on it much. When I do walk, I now have a super snazzy cane that doubles as a cat-poker. Fun!

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