Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The new gang

The turkeys have finally sort of figured things out. After their next-to-the-coop loitering act they spent one night out somewhere in the trees with Gladys. The turkeys follow her around constantly like two dimwitted thugs, and I know that when she went to her customary tree at dusk they were right behind her. They probably stood under that tree all damn night, wondering where she had gone.

Cold weather helped. After one night out in sub zero temperatures that heating lamp in the coop was looking mighty fine I'm sure. Every night since then they've needed a bit of a nudge to get in there at dusk but the bonus has been that I've managed to herd Gladys in with them. I can only hope that this pattern will imprint itself on their tiny pea brains but who knows. For now, the three of them are sitting on the same perch for the night. I can sleep well knowing that only a raccoon with wire cutters could eat them. Another interesting side effect is that I may find out if Gladys is laying any eggs. She's certainly old enough, but I've never been able to find any.

Had the pre op appointment for my foot surgery today. On friday I'll have some bone shaved off of my right foot where a hideous bunion has been plotting evil deeds. After three weeks of showering with a goofy looking bag over my dressings, my foot will hopefully be more normally shaped. And most of all not hurt like a bastard any time I wear shoes. Yay, science!

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