Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas eve-eve-eve

We finished up grocery shopping for our Christmas Eve feast today. When cooking for guests, we usually try not to spring new recipes on them that haven't been tried before. Even when the guests are under ten years old. Tonight: macaroni and cheese. Charlie tried out a new recipe and it was absolutely delicious. He added some andouille sausage (which the kids won't get) and made some spicy fresh black eyed peas with jalapenos on the side. MmmMMmmM. The best part? The part we won't be able to test until Monday night? Right after finishing his plate (Charlie eats faster than I do) he mumbled something like "must laaay dowwwwwwn" and staggered into the living room and onto the couch. After my last forkful several minutes later I followed him, clutching a kitchen timer set to 20 minutes. The couch was full so I just fell gracefully to the floor with my feet up on a chair and my head under the christmas tree. I managed to think "what pretty lights" and then the timer was going off. We made narcoleptic macaroni and cheese! Parents, rejoice!

how big are the turkeys? Huge!

I also made some turkey stock from bits and pieces in the freezer stock supply and two absolutely enormous turkey wings bought at the grocery store. Charlie is smoking a turkey and I am going to brine it tomorrow. After brining the drippings aren't good for gravy because they are super salty. So you have to remember to make a few cups of turkey stock ahead of time or else your homemade gravy dreams are dust.

My foot is improving slightly. I can hobble around much better now. I'm beginning to see how it might be all better in two weeks when the stitches come out. I hope!

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