Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas eve

12.45 pm

Ups truck rolls down the driveway. Yay! There is a driver and a package runner---must be busy today! Luckily the turkeys were hanging out in the coop and not underfoot. They like to mill around in the driveway and sometimes are a bit slow about getting out of the way of cars.

Two boxes for us from my parents. One chock full of presents and a few treasures from my grandparent's house. So exciting! There is a small granny square afghan that my great grandmother made, and a spectacular tablecloth. It's mostly an ivory color, delicate lace, but on one side gold threads have been woven through and it positively shimmers. It was a wedding present to my grandmother and I hereby promote it to heirloom status. I can't wait to put it on my table! Thanks mom for shipping, and thanks mom-mom for letting me give it a new home.

The best part of the box? The second one contained only one item. Growing up, our family typically spent the days before Christmas and Christmas morning at my grandparent's house. I loved rearranging the nativity scene under the tree, and gazing at my favorite Christmas decoration of all time: the ceramic tree. I've seen them in stores but newly made ones are nothing at all like mom-mom and pop-pop's tree. They aren't just tiny lights on the branches, they are shaped like delicate little candles. I am so excited to have it! Over the next year I'm going to refurbish it and re-wire it and will have to pick out the perfect place for it to be displayed during the holidays.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

it love it love it! my Nanny has the same ceramic tree that she painted herself. I haven't thought of it (or seen it) in years. Now I want to call my Nan but it's way too late. :-(