Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas eve

8.26 am

Coffee has been joyously consumed. I got to put the star up on the advent calendar. It's a copy of the calendar that Charlie's mom made when he was small. I loved it so much that I made one for us. It has a few personal touches, like batman and a little cat head, but still has the more traditional candle and santa head. After Christmas, the ornaments will all be put willy-nilly into the date pouches except for the star. That always gets put up on Christmas eve. By next year, I won't remember where I put all of the ornaments so every day is a surprise.

Charlie took a few pictures of our nativity scene on top of the piano and we experimented with a photo stitch utility to make a panorama. Every year there are a few more additions to the creche. This year was a plumber, a unicorn, and just yesterday a diving man (you can see him peeking out of the port-a-potty). After this evening's festivities it will be interesting to see how things are rearranged. Who knows where that baby jesus might end up!

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