Sunday, March 23, 2008

Heaven Shed

I was cleaning my desk the other day, and going through one of my messy magazine page stacks. I love reading magazines, but hate having huge teetering piles of them around the house. So I'm merciless with them---if there is something in it that I like (a recipe, a sewing idea, whatever) I rip out the page and put it in a pile. Every once in a while I go through the pile and put recipes in a binder to try, pull out craft ideas and put those in my craft binder, etc.

I have no idea what magazine this came from, but I know why I ripped it out. On a day like today, raining like crazy, gray and cold and even though it's spring it's too chilly to feel sprightly, this shed looks like the perfect place to be. Give me those sunlit forests, no humanity for miles around, and enough wood to have a fire at night. I could stay in this shed for a week and come out a new person.

Just looking at the picture makes me relaxed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy catnip bags! It's like a greenhouse for people! Wow!

Makes me want to build one, it does...