Sunday, September 30, 2007

exercise program

There are a lot of ways to encourage yourself to exercise. You can walk to get the mail, run along with a podcast (my favorite), go to the gym, or have an exercise partner that encourages you.

This is the best one I have seen so far. All you need is a pedometer and the ability to remind yourself over and over that you are walking to Rivendell!

It's brilliant actually. Those who like to sit for extended periods of time and read epic novels also could probably use some fresh air. Perhaps I will turn my program into Running To Rivendell and see how long it takes me.

Some of the distance goals:

458 miles: Go from Hobbiton to Rivendell.

462 miles: Set out with the Fellowship from Rivendell to Lothlorien.

389 miles: Travel through Moria and down the Anduin from Lothlorien to Rauros Falls.

355 miles: Follow the path of Merry and Pippin from Rauros to Isengard.

484 miles: Follow the path of Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli from Rauros to Isengard.

470 miles: Follow Frodo and Sam on the quest from Rauros to Mt. Doom.

517 miles: Ride with Gandalf and Pippin from Isengard to Minas Tirith.

786 miles: Travel with Aragorn from Isengard to Dunharrow through the Paths of the Dead to Minas Tirith.

578 miles: Ride with Merry and the Rohirrim from Isengard to Dunharrow to Edoras to Minas Tirith.

138 miles: Follow Aragorn from Minas Tirith to the Morannon.

120 miles: Return for Aragorn’s crowning from the Morannon to Minas Tirith.

1625 miles: Take the road home with the hobbits from Minas Tirith to Hobbiton.

467 miles: Follow Frodo to the Grey Havens and return home with Sam.

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