Saturday, September 29, 2007


My birthday weekend started off with the gift of Charlie taking the day off from work. Yay! Then he tried to top that by giving me a new camera that will hopefully help me with my horribly blurry photos. You can't tell from reading this blog, but for every picture you see there are another 30 that are different variations of blurry and I had to pick through them to find one that was good enough to publish here.

beautiful flowers and a card from mom mom and pop pop

There was an embarrassment of riches from family and friends. Thank you to everyone! Charlie cooked me meatballs as requested and I feasted on those.

mmmm basil

Then there was this cake. Besides being ridiculously complex and wonderful it was also tasty! Mona, your future in cake decorating is secure. Once you have made your own fondant you can call yourself a professional. It was very difficult to cut into it, but it just had to be eaten.

magnificent farmer cake

We spent the rest of the quiet night playing word games by the fire. Tonight will be yet another party with more friends out at my favorite restaurant. More meatballs for me!

Every year gets better than the one that came before.

1 comment:

Maggi said...

that cake is seriously impressive. And a new camera? oh my...what a birthday!