Thursday, September 6, 2007

Boys sometimes make passes... girls with new glasses.

Hopefully the boys will not notice that the new prism prescription in my glasses makes me reel like a pigeon drunk on wild grapes. The feeling subsides after a few days, but for a while it is crazy! rollercoaster! time! Up side of it: I can see clearly again!

When advertising goes wrong:

A kitchen so inviting.....that you are relieved that you have a built-in island that allows you to separate your physical space from that of your creepy Stepford neighbors. Did they really drop by for a cup of sugar? EACH? Are they Staring At Your Dental Work? Thank god there is liquor in the cabinet above the refrigerator.

Also, I miss Pavarotti. Freaky frittering starry-eyed bird of paradise that he was, with all of that flouncing and fame, his voice was beyond compare. You hear Nessun Dorma and you know that yes, if you are hearing it then it is his voice. Because of him, you weren't putting on airs when you were listening to opera. You were just listening to Pavarotti and everyone understood what that meant.

If you had been standing in front of him, if he had been looking at you while he sang, you would have burst into flames.


Anonymous said...

You said in words what Pavarotti said with his voice.

"Burst into flames" is it EXACTLY.

Anonymous said...

Great specs! You look beautiful!

PBS has some wonderful Pavarotti remembrances scheduled. Check your local listings. On the east coast tonight many stations are airing a 1981 Metropolitan Opera performance: Donizetti's L'Elisir D'Amore, highlighting Pavarotti. Charlie Rose will open the show with a brief tribute. On his regular show today Charlie will be airing past interviews taped with Pavarotti.