Thursday, November 4, 2010

seven weeks

Liam resorts to cannibalism

The boys have been on this planet for seven weeks now. Their biggest achievement so far? Eating! They still want to eat about every two hours, and go from sleeping or happy to Instant Rage Must Eat. Yesterday I was getting the two of them changed, knowing that they'd be hungry soon. My tandem change routine involves laying them both in the pack and play, then taking them out one at a time to fix up, then stacking them side by side back in the pack and play, picking them both up at the same time and walking into the living room.

Yesterday, halfway through changing Dash he pegged at HUNGER and started screaming. I got him done as fast as I could and moved to Liam, who also started shrieking. He's been experimenting with a new wail that sounds like a rusty barn door being abused by a crazy farmer. Let's just's loud. Nature dictates that Liam must be changed, so I soldier through the clamor and get it done.I can't help it... I begin laughing, because it's just so damn loud in here.
At this point both boys cannot remember eating any time in the last seven weeks and have gone to defcon one. I get them stacked together and lean in to pick both up. Up they go, and I have a little head on either shoulder, looking up at me and loudly accusing me of being a horrible mom. I'm laughing harder now.
Then they both have the same idea at the same time. Mid-wail, two heads start flailing back and forth and I feel hot little mouths on either side of my chin and suddenly two crazy babies are sucking on my chin trying to get something, anything out of it. This of course does not work but it bought me 20 seconds of silence to carry them to the living room, plop Liam in a boppy pillow and drape Dash over my lap, and insert the bottles of life giving nectar.

Sudden silence and two sets of hazel eyes gazing up at me in adoration. Luckily they don't seem to be holding the long wait at their favorite restaurant against me.


Seven week pictures, as usual meant to display the differences and they somehow end up making the boys look more and more alike.

it's obvious to me which is which, but many people seem to be getting confused

swing your partner round and round

Dash on the left, Liam on the right

Some of their crazy little animal sounds are so funny.


Anonymous said...

I love in the video how Liam keeps his eye on you, whereas Dash just floats away...

They look SO different, at least to my eye.


constructobot said...

It'll probably change, but Liam looks soooo much like Charlie in that one photo! It's almost eerie. Will you have two little doppelgangers? I of course think they look totally different- I just have to get the right name to the face. Wonderful pictures, and I love the image of them desparately noshing your chin- we called it "mad mouth"

leigh said...

They've both crossed over from breakable little porcelain dolls to the realm of SuperBabyCute! Liam looks SO much like Charlie. Dash does, too, but Liam's resemblance is much stronger. No matter which way he turns his face, it's Charlie's. Just softer and without facial hair.