Friday, November 19, 2010


Liam contemplates bubbles

Liam loves baths. He wiggles his feet and stares wide-eyed at the washcloth. Dash is more suspect, squinting or throwing his arms out wide for rescue. It is undeniable that they both require bathing now, because their accumulation of neck rolls and propensity for......collecting things in them.

Dash finds bubbles vaguely threatening

So every few days, when one is sleeping I slip the other one into the kitchen sink. It's also the only time I see their entire bodies. It's cold outside, and even though the house is warm they're bundled in footie pajamas and onesies. Neither is a fan of cold air on their delicates, so diaper changes are a speedy affair. In the bath I actually get to see entire little boy bodies. It's fun!

pop quiz: can you tell which boy is which?

I'm a STAR!


Reagan said...

First picture Dash, second picture Liam? I had to look at it several times but I think I might finally be right?!!

Mona Lisa said...

Yep, that has to be it. Liam's belly is out of control!

leigh said...

Top is Dash, bottom is Liam. I promise I didn't cheat and look at Reagan's answer!