Monday, November 8, 2010

Daylight saved

the king of the gnomes approves

One of the best things about a house full of infants: lose and hour, gain an hour, whatever. It's all the same to me! I have very little idea of what time it is these days. I can tell that it's dark outside a lot more now, as we tumble into the fall season. Usually it's also the season of ibuprofin, when I spend hours and hours in the yard putting plants to sleep for the winter and raking some of the 5 billion enormous leaves from the broadleaf maples that surround the house. This year though, the boys forced me to hire a yard service. Besides the boys, that's the best thing to come out of all that bedrest. I never would have been able to justify spending the money on it. Well truth be told I really did enjoy the crazy workout of the fall season. But there's absolutely no time for it now.

chickens enjoying the fall sun

Where I was going with this is: our yard has never looked so awesome. The wind blows and the leaves fly and on Tuesday afternoons I look outside and it's immaculate. Last week they trimmed down all of the ferns and hostas.


Cuteness persists indoors as well.

First entry in the category of "completely unsafe locations that an infant will happily sleep, thus necessitating constant supervision but it's not really that bad because the child is asleep." : on a living room chair, covered by Charlie's pajama pants.

second entry: Dash; laundry basket.

Liam thought that I was going to help him set up a MySpace page to pick up eligible infants in the Seattle area, so he posed in front of the fire.

Still life with sleeping baby and brussel sprout hash. Not pictured: shrieking baby in other room

Dash squints in your general direction

1 comment:

Reagan said...

Sarah, I totally agree. I love our yard service. When Joel came along we got a maid service and yard service. I thought when he was 6 months I'd take back over these responsibilities but now I think it'll be closer to when he's 18 yrs.

Love the nap in the basket picture. Adorable!