Tuesday, November 16, 2010

tasty relaxation

Harry lays a pet-me trap in the kitchen

It's Charlie's favorite time of the year to cook: fall. Recent experimentations have been delicious. He tackled his first souffle the other night. It looked beautiful coming out of the oven, full of fresh herbs and cheesy-ness. We had to take turn feeding babies to eat it, so by the time it got onto my plate it was a bit deflated but still good.


An even better creation was his italian sausage on Sunday. Our local butcher had just enough fat-back in stock. It's spicy, because we like things that way. The first application was with orichette kale and aged parmesan. We both ate heaping bowls. Pasta in the fall, when it's been dark out for hours, is just the thing. Bonus: there are three more pounds sitting in the freezer. Yay!

In the relaxation category: my view from the kitchen table. After I get up in the morning and Charlie's gone off to work, I put my little netbook there and hope that in the next four or five hours I'll manage a cup of coffee and some reading. It's usually with one baby on me, which is fine. Much of the time I'm either feeding babies or sitting with both of them in my arms trying to make everyone calm (thanks, streaming netflix on my ipad... there are few things you can do with no hands).

But sometimes, like right this very minute both babies are not really asleep but entertaining themselves in the other room and I'm drinking a very strong cup of coffee and looking out at the trees. I love how once the leaves have turned and fallen, you notice that the trees never really are naked. They've always got a fuzzy coating of moss to keep them warm.


constructobot said...

ahh- I'm there with you in your kitchen- I wish my view included more mossy trees and less vinyl siding. but it won't be long before I will be there, and you will maybe have... NO babies on you because I will steal them away!

leigh said...

Streaming Netflix = awesome. I like watching stuff with the Hulu app for iPad, too. Hulu just lowered their subscription again, too. Lately I've been carting Saturday Night Live around the house with me!