Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Thank you, babies, for taking a nap this afternoon that was long enough for me to make a batch of jam. I read the recipe the other day and it seduced me with the serving suggestion of eating it on toast with peanut butter. Peanut butter and bananas on toast are just about culinary perfection. A way to preserve that and have it without having to rely on the capricious when-is-the-banana-perfectly-ripe threshold? Divine!

For some reason I had it in my head that bananas had no pectin and would be a brown mess during preserving. I was wrong on the pectin, and brown-ness was avoided with the addition of a generous amount of lemon juice plus a secret ingredient that I had never used before: fruit fresh. I'd read about adding vitamin C tabs to jam, but never tried it. Magically, the jam retains the sunny creamy color of a ripe banana. It's a little dark because of my other secret ingredient, a dark rum that Gary brings back from Cayman. The texture is smooth and creamy, with little bits of banana for texture.

Result: I found myself standing at the kitchen counter, turning my "is it set or not" taste of the jam into me eating three straight spoonfuls and having to resist eating more straight out of the jar.

From last night: the boys were fractious and demanded to both be held. Liam really didn't have any idea what he was doing with that arm, but it sure looks cute.


constructobot said...

as usual, your food pictures leave me drooling. Where is my banana jam fairy?

The boys look cute, but heavy together- seems impossible to have two wraps. hmm. maybe two hip wraps? It would require extremely tractable babies. Looks like you are doing quite well at it- every day, your biceps will become more ironlike!

sarah said...

There's a twin carry you can do with the moby wrap when they are small, but honestly you pretty much have to have stoned babies to do it. And part of carrying is to calm crabapples, so I've never managed to get them both into it. I've learned to be content with one in the wrap and one in the arm, leaving me with one completely functional glorious limb to do important things with. Like take pictures. And drink wine.