Sunday, September 14, 2008


Several weeks ago Ido and Mona were kind enough to gift me with a potted plant. I opened the front door to see Ido staggering towards me, his entire torso obscured by an elephantine chrysanthemum. It is huge, it is the perfect russet-orange of autumn, it has that great chrysanthemum smell.....

Behold mumzilla

In order to contain its awesomeness I needed to find a big pot. Bigger than anything I have. So I headed to half price pots, which happened to be going out of business. When I was there it was twenty-percent-pots. Score! I bought the chrysanthemum vessel as well as five other pots and also little claw feet to go under them for the princely price of $28. I am not usually one to crow about fiscal conquests, but damn. I giggled on the way out the door because I felt like I was stealing the pots.

Artistic rendering of what a takeover by mumzilla would look like

almost-free pots, waiting for next spring and pretty plants


Breaking news: this afternoon I was standing in the kitchen making a cup of coffee when I heard a scrabble from outside the window. I looked up and saw a beautiful wild cat holding an equally beautiful twitching newly killed squirrel. Bobcats don't usually hunt during the day around here, but this one must have been feeling especially safe or exceptionally hungry. Fortunately I had my camera in my pocket and was able to grab a long-zoom picture of the cat with her spoils. Paul, have I thanked you lately for helping me build the chicken aviary?

thanks for the dinner, lady, but I prefer chicken


Eggs laid in the coop today: 4
Eggs laid in the coop Saturday: 4
Eggs laid this year: 118

1 comment:

Maggi said...

woah. That wild cat is way too pretty. So glad your chickens are comfy cozy.

We had a posse of four male deer hanging out the back today. Two of them even tangled antlers for a bit. So much fun seeing the locals :)