Sunday, August 26, 2007

secret project: revealed!

on my trusty mannequin

Happy birthday to my mom! She opened her present this afternoon, which means I can finally show pictures of what I've been working on for quite some time. It all started with an issue of Threads Magazine and an article on making clothes from home decor fabrics. There was a jacket (Butterflies and Bees) in one of the pictures, and it just looked like mom. It is lucky I saw the jacket made up in that article, because I would NEVER have looked twice at the pattern. The art on it is horrible, and it calls for ugly shoulder pads, for heaven's sake. I stuck pretty closely to the pattern, but decided to leave the shoulders au natural, thank you very much.

The makeup of the jacket was rather easy actually. I did learn one neat tailoring trick on how to make a fabric-covered loop to use as a button hole.

On the birthday girl

It fits! I am breathing a huge sigh of relief.

Charlie has been home all weekend (!) and spent some time updating his computer. I am always impressed when he's sitting on the floor surrounded by a sea of bits and bobbles and knows exactly how to put it all together. He's playing BioShock, and the soothing sound of gunfire is coming from my left. That tells me all is well!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i love this

Anonymous said...

Secret projectee is still oohing and ahhing. I'm sure Grams and Ome are smiling over your shoulder. You are amazing talented, with a great heart and the energy of an Amazon.