Monday, August 13, 2007


multi-tiered chickens

Sometimes I think that Marge and Gladys are pigeons. Yes, I know they're not. But they are so tiny! After studying Mona's banty Madam, I don't know if they are going to get any bigger. They still run around the back yard with Penelope, all helter skelter with their tail! feathers! pointing! straight! up!

The most entertaining aspect is their night roosting habit. When they first came home and there was a bit of a war going on in the coop, I strapped a stick up to the top-most level of the chicken coop. Penelope was being more than a little aggressive, and since the babies showed some flying skills I wanted to give them a retreat. Now they have made that stick their night roost. Penelope perches on the rung below them all by herself. I can almost hear her wheedling "c'mon, let me fit up there with you! I'm cool like you are!"

Sorry Penelope. You're a fat-bottomed girl and there's nothing that can be done about that. In the spring you'll have some standard-sized friends but for now your coop-mates are acrobats. At least they don't poop on your head while you sleep!
the girls (and boy) before, in a happy pile

Eggs laid in the coop today: 1
Eggs used in a tasty quiche today: 5 (mmmm!)

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