Monday, July 9, 2007

Best flat tire Ever

Charlie and Jeff have great gams, don't you think?

If you're going to get one, I recommend it go something like this:

- Go see a great movie.
- Eat loads of tasty italian food.
- Drive home on a warm summer rain-free night.
- Arrive at your flat driveway as the sun is setting, get out of the car, and hear a strange hiss.
- Have your car be the kind that has a full-sized spare tire.

While Charlie works today, I'll be taking his car to the shop to have them patch the tire. It's obvious what did the deed--- there is a huge hunk of metal sticking out of it. My theory is that it's one of the metal bolts traffic people use to nail-gun down those rubberized car counting strips that you occasionally bump over. Or maybe it was a malicious robot laying caltrops. We will never know.

The great movie? Ratatouille. I have never met a Pixar film I didn't like but this one was exceptional. Perhaps it's because I love food so much. Pixar's attention to detail is unbelievable. The main female chef character had a burn mark on the inside of her wrist in the same exact place that I get one whenever I am doing a lot of cooking with big soup pots. Those rats spend a lot of time in various degrees of dampness (they are rats, after all) and oh sweet nellie they are beautiful. Gorgeous. Each strand of fur on their bodies looks like it answered a casting call for Perfect Fur. The antagonist (food critic Anton Eg0) must have had twenty people working on his character design. Even his typewriter is fantastic.

The heavy hand of disney was visible in some places but thankfully there were no rat-colony musical numbers.

I don't even *like* ratatouille to eat but now I want to make some. I need to find something that has a ridiculous amount of prep because I'm in the mood for chopping and dicing and fussing with spices.

Eggs laid in the coop today: 1
Eggs found in the woods today: 0
Eggs laid in the coop Sunday: 2
Eggs found in the woods Sunday: 0
Eggs laid in the coop Saturday: 2
Eggs found in the woods Saturday: 0

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