Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Harry observes us cooking

We took a stroll through the Redmond farmer's market on Saturday to see what was in season. Strawberries are definitely bursting everywhere. As we walked into the dog-and-stroller filled market, there was a thin old man dressed in brown with shocking red fingers. He was pushing strawberries into his mouth with the happiest look on his face.

clams, we will make your demise worthwhile

I did get some berries to munch on but the real score were the clams. Charlie and I both have been a bit obsessed with seafood these days. One market tent contained a man and four huge rolling coolers. They were full of oysters and cherrystone clams, picked that morning. What do you do when it's barely noon on a Saturday and you have plans that evening already, and you find yourself holding a heavy cool bag of fresh clams? If you are Charlie you also buy some fresh asparagus, garlic, and tomatoes and you go home and make clam linguini. For lunch. Dinner be damned.

I stopped eating long enough to take a picture

This is one of his best new dishes, and he's been refining it over the past couple of months. It has reached perfection. We both ate it while sitting in the kitchen and it was absolutely delicious.

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