Thursday, April 2, 2009

rainus completus

I'm too sexy for my muck boots

It is raining. And raining and raining and snowing and raining and snowing and raining some more. It's pretty much sapped me completely. I managed to pull myself together enough to distribute most of the rest of the dirt into the garden beds and the entire pile of bark into the front yard. I still need more bark, but that can wait for another day.

driveway center, before

driveway center, after...can't wait for all of the hostas to leaf

On the other side of the window rain drips steadily from the moss-covered tree branches. Come on spring, with your catchy winds and scuttling clouds. I need some sunshine.

front yard friends

Eggs laid in the coop Wednesday: 3
Eggs laid in the coop this year: 267


Reagan said...

The rain is sapping me too. It's 11am and I feel like going back to bed! The front yard looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

We love your gnome-scaping!

: )
Sheila and Rachel