Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The new throne is ready, your majesty.

out with the old

There is precious little more daunting than going to a person's house and having them tell you that the guest powder room is "the dodgy one." Ever since we've moved in, the toilet on the main floor has been off. First it didn't reliably flush. Then it didn't reliably turn off after filling. It was a pit of despair. So we decided to replace it! With grand fanfare and much research I ordered a replacement from a local plumbing supplier.

Here it is! The new NO-FLUSH option. You just crouch over that appealing red funnel and do your duty. No water is wasted and your contribution to the environment is minimized!
Ok, the red funnel wasn't the final solution. The dual-fush concept is something that hasn't caught on completely in the states. But when we were in Australia it was clear that people who were interested in conserving water demanded a toilet that used applicable amounts with reference to their, ah, deposit.

in with the new

Today I picked up the new toilet and installed it. I wish that I could teach a new homeowner's seminar. I would entitle it "switching out your toilet is the easiest thing ever and will make you feel master of your domain. " There really are many things you can do to your house without professional help. Changing out a toilet, or even just the guts of the thing to improve flow and water conservation, is near the top of the list.

The new toilet is in. It is lovely and water conserving and so very discreet in it's function. Exactly what I wanted!

welcome to the world, new baby for the Magal family. I was privileged to hold you a mere 4 hours after your birth. You are already a champion thumb-sucker.

Eggs laid in the coop today: 3
Eggs laid in the coop Tuesday: 3
Eggs laid in the coop this year: 321


constructobot said...

boy, do I feel old excitedly commenting on your cool dual-flush toilet. But that's so awesome! You must brag about how little water it can use. neat!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, you are Wonder Woman. You never cease to amaze with your powers and talents!

: )
Sheila & Rachel

Anonymous said...

Sarah, you are my harriet homeowner hero! Love to you and your plumbing prowess and love to you holding beautiful thumb-sucking newborns! mom