Tuesday, October 21, 2008

yarny cheesecake

I was working on a crochet project last night while Charlie worked late. Eventually it was tea time and I roamed to the kitchen to boil and brew a cuppa. Elapsed time: 5 minutes maximum. Upon returning to my chair and taking up the hook, my ball of yarn was nowhere to be found. Not under the chair, not accidentally kicked across the room. No. My ball of yarn started at the bottom of the basement stairs. Someone (I am looking at you, Harry) picked up the ball of yarn and trucked it all the way down the stairs and proceeded to unravel the entire thing around and around the pool table.


When I got down there, Henry was batting at the last of the bit of unraveled yarn with huge saucer eyes. Harry was hunkered over a big loop, gnawing loudly. I probably pulled a good foot of yarn out of his mouth. Then I had to fight the two of them while trying to wind the yarn back up into a ball. Parts were entirely sodden with spit and completely revolting. Damn cats. But they did make me laugh.



A few weekends ago I was gifted with a post-birthday cheesecake by The Master. It was caramel, and I tell you that thing had not one single blemish on it. It was almost a crime to cut into the thing to take a slice. A tasty, irresistible crime.

eat me


Eggs laid in the coop today: 2
Eggs laid in the coop Sunday: 3
Eggs laid in the coop Monday: 4
Eggs laid this year: 251

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