Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I had a touch of The Insomnia again last night and was puttering away online when I thought....let's see if I can find him on Facebook. Everyone's got one, that first blushing kiss, always remembered. In my case it was the late eighties, furtive, behind the elementary school down the street. It wasn't even the kiss as much as it was the friendship. Here was a boy who loved the same things I did: comic books, fighter jets, the Canadian Brass, and being nerdy. When you are that age and you find someone of the same gender with like desires you become Best Friends Forever. When you are a girl and he is a boy, well, you get called Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

This was fine by me. I didn't really care about the labels, just about the camaraderie. We had great times going to air shows and movies and amusement parks. There was also a little kissing. And through my much-older eyes and with a dash of experience I realize there was a fair amount of exploration into what exactly a relationship *was.*

Tonight I dug into my box of treasures to see what I could find. I am not a hoarder on a grand scale, but I do have one box of snippets from my youth. I smiled when I discovered a batch of letters he had sent me over the course of a few summers. There were a few saved drawings too. One of the later letters is from after I moved to NH and includes such phrases as "I've found math to be a great source of peace for me, especially heavy calculus" and "there's oodles of cute sophomores, not just Munster." If my calculations are correct, this cute sophomore later became his wife.

So, to Jonathan, a toast to adolescence and best hopes for the future. Mine still involves Wolverine, though I have branched out a bit to include more than just the Marvel universe.

Eggs laid in the coop today: 2
Eggs laid this year: 253

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