Saturday, October 18, 2008


sunny mornings like today, I will not forget you when you are gone for the season!

Much of my before-zombies life has resumed. This week I worked on some sewing projects for my favorite one-and-a-few-weeks-year-old, Maya. The first was an idea that came to me while she was crawling around in the mulch of my yard while Mona and I were putting out measuring stakes for the garden. Maya was having a grand old time but the ground was quite damp from rains and the mulch stuck to her clothes like crazy. Why not have an outfit that you can just pull over whatever clothes a kid is wearing, point them towards the nearest mess to play in, and then peel it off when they're done with no harm done to clothes underneath?
I have a pattern for overalls that I made for Calliope last year (her dragon pants) and I used some mostly-waterproof backed nylon fabric. It is thin and smooth and supple, but definitely creates a moisture barrier. It's the same stuff that is used to make some cloth diaper covers. Mona bought red and black, and I experimented with the red first. It turned out well. Maya tried it out as a full-body bib while eating some excellent eggs.

you can faintly see the red-bandanna-patterned fabric I used to line the top

Second project: overdue birthday present. Quite a few birthdays got overrun by zombies and Maya's was one of them. I used a great poncho pattern from Knitting Pure & Simple (scroll down for poncho #243) again, tried out on Calliope first last year. It's a quick knit, about three evening's worth. I intentionally used acrylic yarn so that it can be washed intensively. There is a time for gorgeous virgin wool, and there is a time for acrylic.

pom poms being vigorously shaken!

Speaking of gardens, the plots have been staked out and I'll buy the wood sometime this week. I took a picture from the back deck so you can see where they are in relation to the fire pit. Keep in mind that each plot is 10feet x 4feet. It's a little hard to get scale from these pictures.

front plot for greens, back left for tomatoes, back right for who knows what!

those brown mounds are from me trimming down the dead ferns and brambles; must compost

Eggs laid in the coop Friday: 4
Eggs laid in the coop Thursday: 4
Eggs laid in the coop Wednesday: 4
Eggs laid in the coop Tuesday: 3
Eggs laid this year: 239

1 comment:

constructobot said...

you read many a mother's mind- perfect idea for the waterproof jumper! right now, there are a number of wet-leaf crawling sessions that leave me a bit weary. I call it the haypants phenomenon- wool pants repel most dirt and damp, but then you're left picking all kinds of flotsam out of them
