Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yarn Fiesta

early evening play

The other night I was working on a project and left one of my smaller balls of yarn on the floor. The cats provided great entertainment. Henry loves to cram the ball into his mouth and run around with it, Harry following after the tailing end. The night wore on, we went to bed, and I rolled up the ball and completely forgot about it.

note the vertical yarn where they dropped it back down

The cats didn't. I have no idea how they did this without waking me up. In the m I got out of bed and looked down and there was yarn all over. Everywhere. They had started in the computer room, went into the kitchen and around the island, under a stool and around another stool, back into the computer room, into the living room, around a small table, up the stairs, around the corner and down the hallway to our bedroom, up onto the bed, back down, across the bedroom, back into the hallway, and dropped the rest of the ball between the stair rail spindles where it fell to the floor below.

up onto the bed

How I managed to sleep through them scuffling the yarn around on the bed is a complete mystery.

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