Monday, June 16, 2008


We are spending the week in Florida visiting Charlie's family, including super-cute niece Sienna that I am meeting for the first time. She is a smiling girl!

Yesterday morning we walked over to the beach, trying to get some swimming in before the rain came. The water was balmy and warm, shallow sugared sand that went out for ages before it got deep enough to be over your head. I discovered that I could achieve perfect buoyancy on my back and floated with my arms out, ears filled with warm salt water. A pod of dolphins appeared, swimming out of reach but having a fine time slapping their tails and flipping back and forth.

I tipped back into the water again, closed my eyes and the water in my ears blocked out the sound of the beach and I hung there. And I tried to summon the dolphins. I though about them swimming towards me, thought about what their clicks and squeaks would sound like in the water. I offered to scratch their itches. I thought in words and pictures, concentrated as hard as I could. After a few minutes I stood up and saw them still far out there frolicking.

Well, how else would you find out if you had a super mutant power to talk to dolphins? You have to try!


Anonymous said...

Yay! That's why I liked you from the first time I met you - not only do you do dorky stuff like that, but aren't afraid to admit to it. It still embarrasses my daughter when I do stuff like that, even though I point out that she does the same thing...

sarah said...

I won't even admit the amount of times I have tried to move objects with my mind. Or set them on fire. When I was going through puberty I was convinced that my mutant powers would manifest, and I was so terribly disappointed when nothing came to light. Perhaps I need to hit menopause, and suddenly my pyrokinesis will flare up.