Sunday, October 7, 2007

Crafty Painting

crafting is very stuff-intensive, obviously

There is a particular color that shows up a lot in sewing and craft rooms. If you search on Flickr for craft room, you'll see the recurrence of the theme. The tones range from robin's egg to turquoise to tiffany's blue. There is something about the color. It makes anything that you hold up against it look fantastic. Piles of fabric look positively delicious. I've longed for the color for ages.

what a change!

I've also coveted Maggi's metal shelves. Since she was doing a re-organization of her own craft space, she passed them on to me. Yay! There had been two gallons of blue paint sitting under my sewing desk for months and it was their time to shine. First everything got yanked out of the room. I was quite honestly stunned at the sheer amount of crap that I have for making things. Dutifully I went through everything and managed to get two trunks full of stuff to take to the goodwill. With some tricky packing I managed to get what remained organized and put into boxes and bins and jars and shoeboxes and rinsed out lychee cans and make some sense of it.

oh, those lovely metal shelves

Then the painting. The original wall color in there was a very soft blue-white. So boring! On went the new blue and it turned out even better than I had hoped. The color looks it's super best in bright sunshine, but you'll have to settle for pictures taken at night. It's been raining for a week here anyway. Time to sew now!

cork board, crammed with ideas

I just love my thread holders

the cat-proof plant enclosure


Anonymous said...

Ahh "the blue". What a pretty color, it makes everything stand out :) Looks great!

Kristie said...

looks amazing Sarah! I love the color!

Anonymous said...

Great color choice, Sarah! And I like how you've rearranged the room. Carry on! Connie