Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Sack of Potatoes

Liam says good morning to Charlie

As of this morning, both boys are over their birth weights. Together, they weigh slightly more than your average 10lb sack of potatoes. What a grand size! They still look about the same, perhaps a little chubbier around the arms and legs. The most noticeable change for today is Liam's cry. Since birth it's been very high and thin, more like a kitten mewling. This morning it's changed to be a bit more strident and deep, like a bigger newborn baby. I get the sense that he hasn't experimented with full volume yet. Dash has been unabashedly loud since the beginning. He sounds more like an angry sheep when he really gets going.

Dash, silent.

Last night there were several boxes on our front steps, full of lovely gifts for the boys and some birthday treats for me. To my delight I have been passed a totemic item from my childhood. Mom has these sewing scissors, though really they must be referred to as Sewing Scissors, that may Only Be Used To Cut Fabric. We had that fact repeated to us often and with good reason.....scissors can dull with a single snip if you use them to cut the wrong thing. I know that now, after my best pair developed a microscopic nick 2 inches from the tip after they were used to cut burlap. Dumb, I know, but I figured it could be sharpened out. No such luck. But this year I was gifted by mom with another perfect pair as well as the admonishment that used to lie within her scissors box:

This means you!

Whenever I see this, it will remind me to only cut fabric. And it will also make me smile.

Bonus movie of the day: Dash regards the world

1 comment:

leigh said...

Dash's little wrists are definitely chubbier than in previous pictures! Since I'm only seeing pictures and not the real thing, I can absolutely notice the difference!