Tuesday, December 2, 2008


the Yeti

No, it hasn't snowed yet. It's still raining and dreary and typically damp for this time of year. But what makes it different is that now when it does snow, we can leave our house. Meet the Yeti. Technically he's a 1989 toyota land cruiser. He came into our lives late last week and has taken up residence in the front yard. He growls in a nice way and next week will have his studded snow tires put on so his claws are ready. So much easier than having to put on chains!

I love the graphic for the Oregon lottery. So hopeful!

This past weekend was Charlie's delayed birthday trip to Portland. Had to wait until the pesky game was done so that he could actually relax. It was a fun three days at a fancy quirky hotel and lots of walking around. We found the most important part of a good vacation: a place to eat breakfast. I have a passion for french-style cooked eggs and it was met at the Bijou Cafe. We roamed around the city, found fabulous toy stores and crafts and spent the required few hours wandering the halls of Powells Books. I limited myself to buying only so much as I could carry.

fanciful bed

armoire of philosophers

pretty glass front doors

And in random notes, the thanksgiving turkey carcass gave it's all last night and was made into gumbo by Charlie. Oh dear lord that stuff is good. Lots of hot sauce and rice and oh so tasty.


Eggs laid in the coop today: 4
Eggs laid this year: 354

1 comment:

constructobot said...

rad hotel! pretty much the only thing "luxury" that I've ever seen pictured that actually had lots of good style. Wow! (can I have their beds?)