Friday, December 5, 2008


the pile, it grows

Tis the season to ship gifts, so I have been spending a lot of time in my sewing room making bags. Over the years I transitioned from regular wrapping paper to brown craft paper and finally gave that up in favor of jolly fabric bags. With the serger they are especially simple to make and you don't have to worry about things getting mussed in transit or doing a not-so-hot job with the wrapping. Plus here at home we have a very strict no-ribbon rule because of a particular cat that cannot help but eat it until he has to go the emergency vet. I've got most everything done, and just have to divide into ship/take/home presents. Then it will be time to inventory the jam empire and figure out who gets what out of that stash.

And who says that snowflakes have to be white?

Eggs laid in the coop today: 2
Eggs laid in the coop Thursday: 2
Eggs laid in the coop Wednesday: 2
Eggs laid this year: 360

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