Monday, December 15, 2008


bread, in the beginning

Charlie took the yeti to work this morning, leaving me tethered to the house. It wasn't bad, really, because I had plenty of projects that had been piling up and I was unable to distract myself with random trips to the feed store etc. I experimented with a new oat- and wheat-bran bread recipe. The loaves are still cooling but they look tasty and smell divine.

adding salt after the autolyse period

It never got out of the 20's and the house was pretty chilly, so I had to let the dough rise in the oven with a bowl of hot water. No balmy 70 degree house today, even in the sun.

Harry capitalizes on a sliver of sunlight

The chickens had a mighty cold night last night. It was only 10 degrees or so and their waterer froze solid. Three gallons of water in a big block. So this morning I brought them out a little temporary waterer along with some warm rice mixed with left over tomato pulp (Charlie made awesome sauce and meatballs last night). I never did get around to running a buried power line to the coop this summer, so I had to make do with my outdoor extension cord and a lamp to give them at least a little bump of warmth in the deep of the night.

to a chicken, this looks delicious


Eggs laid in the coop today: 1
Eggs laid in the coop Sunday: 2
Eggs laid in the coop Saturday: 2
Eggs laid this year: 375

1 comment:

Mona Lisa Magal said...

Thank you for the bread. Ido and I buttered it up and ate it for dinner!