Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Girls Have Begun

supervisory dolphin

Yesterday we went to a fabulous five-year-old's birthday party. A pool party. There was a small blow-up pool, yes, but the big attraction was a towering inflatable waterslide. We're talking a 12 foot high enormous slide that you would see at a carnival. I had no idea you could rent such things, but you can! The kids were crazy for the thing, going up the stairs and sliding down into a pool of water over and over. The garden hose worked full time just to keep up with the water that got sloshed out.


The dessert was something I had never seen before. Instead of cooking cake batter in a pan or cupcake tin, you spoon it into ice cream cones. When finished, the top gets frosted and you have a dessert that requires no plate or utensils. And it was quite tasty too.


The big news for today: someone laid the first egg! I have no idea who it is, but it must be one of the smaller chickens. I had on the top of next week's task list to re-do and enlarge the nest boxes. When I built them I forgot just how large grown hens are. I picked up the fluffy blonde one the other day and tried to put her in a box to show her where it was.....and I shoved, and shoved, and she couldn't fit more than half of her body in it. Poor chicken. At least she was calm, with me pushing her and then pulling her back out when it became clear that it was a physical impossibility. She was like a 35 year old trying to put on jeans she wore in high school.

But somebody fit in there! I'm going to start this year's egg count now, since I never kept a proper tally of Marian the turkey's eggs or the very occasional Gladys egg.


Eggs laid in the coop today: 1
Eggs laid this year: 1

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