Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cougar Mtn

Today's park trip was to the Cougar Mountain Zoo. The neighborhood in Issaquah looks like this: lake. house. house. house. house. zoo. house. house.

hyacinth macaw says hello

It's an interesting place for a zoo, and quite tiny. They've got a lot of parrots, some alpacas, lemurs, wallabys, reindeer, a cougar, and (exotically) two tiger adolescents. I'd heard about the zoo before, usually around chrismas-time because of the reindeer. There were just enough animals to be interesting but not exhaustive to toddlers.

an alpaca named Charlie Brown. Mine is cuter!

I can imagine buying a house in the neighborhood: lake view, park-like setting, occasional tiger roars and lemur screams from next door. That would be awesome!

Eggs laid in the coop today: 3
Eggs laid in the coop Wednesday: 2
Eggs laid this year: 10

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