Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cosa Nostra Woodinville

So my friend Elisa asked for help demolishing select parts of her deck. She needed a crowbar and some muscle and some enthusiasm for bashing things apart.

"Sure!" I replied "but my thumbs are kind of messed up so I don't know if I'll be much help. But I can bring the crowbar and a sledgehammer."

"What, did the mob get to your or something?" was her reply.

I laughed out loud. Yeah I guess there is that whole mob and putting you to the thumbscrews. And then I started to think about it. What hurts the most on me? My thumbs and my knees.

Holy crap, I am being haunted by the mob.


The real reason? I have a bizarre deformity in my femurs that means my kneecaps float more than they should. This leads to strange pains when kneeling, and sometimes I pop more than is usual while running. My thumbs? Well, after a few weeks of good weather and incredibly vigorous weeding cutting pruning pulling sawing clearing yanking twisting and mowing my hands are pretty much shot.

However, I rather like the devil-may-care impression of the mob. Yeah, I didn't give up my secrets under duress. Yeah, yeah. You just try me.

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