Tuesday, July 14, 2009

wet chickens

My day started yesterday when the deer alarm (the driveway sensor) went off. I looked out the front windows to see a ginger dog loping down the driveway. Usually when I open the front door to investigate, roaming dogs take off into the woods never to be seen again. Not this girl. She ran up on the porch, wagging her whole body. I grabbed the dog collar I keep in the car and got her roped up to make sure she didn't run off. She tried to run off all right---- right up to Charlie where she pressed against his legs and whimpered with delight. Good dog, indeed!

It's almost too bad I found your home

I made a cup of coffee and took her out for a walk to see if I could find home. It turned out to be our neighbors whom I have never met but have heard their rooster crowing. The dog's name is Stella, and if I could clone a dog I would put her up as the primary choice. Such a sweet girl and so good with chickens.

Talking to the neighbor was fun and also helped me solve one of my chicken issues. Two of the girls have been dropping feathers around their necks and bottoms. It's not exactly the season to molt, and my neighbor is actually battling a bit of a mite problem on her chooks. After closer examination, my girls don't have any mites (they are really obvious if they are there) and just appear to be doing a stress molt brought on by the hot weather. I put some chicken gatorade in their water and brought the two mangiest girls in to have relaxing baths.

Eunice grooming

Penelope napping

I was laying right next to her on the floor for this picture and she didn't mind at all

Yes, relaxing baths. Eunice was a little cranky when I brought her inside, but once I got a girl into the warm soft water they really seemed to enjoy it. After a 10 minute soak they got dunked a few times to rinse and then towel dried. I had brought in the big cage thinking that I would have angry wet chickens but ended up taking the thing back outside. Penelope and Eunice hung out in the kitchen like southern ladies over for tea. They preened themselves and then each other, warbled some happy hen sounds. I gave them some lettuce. Penelope actually took a nap. The cats were more interested in why I was on the floor than they were in the girls. Overall, it was a spa day for chickens!

lady, I could use a spa day. Without water, please.


Image from the weekend. Charlie went on one of his experimental cooking benders and concocted this lasagna. One layer is mornay (bechamel + parmesan), the next layer is a spicy fenneled lamb, and the green layer is a mix of green peas and mint. The sauce is a very simple tomato with a bit of butter and some rosemary. It sounds overwhelming and by all accounts it should have been. Instead it was incredibly complex and the pea mint layer brought out the summer in everyone. Delicious! (and I can at least say that I made the noodles)

and it was very pleasing to the eye as well

Eggs laid in the coop Monday: 3
Eggs laid in the coop this year: 492

1 comment:

Mona Lisa Magal said...

I love your chickens. They are a bunch of cool gals.