Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines, I has them.

I must have paid well into the Valentine karma bank. Yesterday I made a few dozen citrus shortbread cookies and dipped them in shimmery pink sugar for the holiday. So tasty, they can't stay in the house so they must be given away. I brought a smaller plate of them to my doctor's office since I had an appointment this morning, and I can honestly tell you that a little cookie goes a long way where health care is concerned. Let's just say that I was pants-less reclining on a table receiving a brief exam when a nurse cracked the door open and said "I'm not peeking---I just had to tell you that your cookies are super!" I tried not to laugh, since that would have jostled the attending doctor.

After the appointment, I came home and checked the mail to find one of my mom's greatest valentin-ian achievements yet. Every year she makes a valentine, and it stays on the refrigerator until it is replaced by the next year. Right now I think there are three year's worth on the fridge since I love looking at them. After six months or so the glitter stops dropping off. It's a sad day when I no longer have glitter on the kitchen floor :) I have to say that this year's is one of my absolute favorites. Yay, mom!

Charlie took the rest of the cookies with him to work. I don't know if it was the cookies or his undying love for me (you can choose) but I baked him a homemade pizza for dinner and found a snazzy bottle of wine and he proceeded to completely out-class me in the gift giving department. Good grief! There are a lot of jewelry store commercials on the radio these days, and entirely not enough commercials that advertise electronics for your loved-one. I will take an i-phone over diamonds any day.

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