Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I've been down in the basement all day, trying to finish up homework for my upholstery class on Saturday. I need to get all bits that need to be sewn done so that only stapling remains. There are some sewing machines in the classroom but I'd rather spend my time using that sweet air compressor stapler gizmo.

I dismantled the back pillow and figured out how to make a new one and put it back together again. Mimi did some fancy thing with stuffing and cheesecloth so I just re-used her stuffing. I got plenty of use out of one of my best "make it look crafted and not just homemade" items: cloth covered buttons. You can buy these little guys at any fabric store in many sizes. Each package comes with button fronts and shanks and a little snap tool to put them all together. You just cut a circle of whatever fabric you are using (lightweight is best---I wouldn't try velvet or heavy wool) an follow the instructions and you have an instant tailored button. It looks very classy.

Henry surveys from atop the old pillow, with buttons in the foreground

The back pillow needed TWENTY buttons and that pushed my fingers to the limit. I was a bit sore after all of those, not to mention having to sew each one on with heavy thread. I totally guessed at how to get the dimpled-button effect and used heavy brown beading cord to tie each button shank to it's mate on the back as tight as I could. I think it looks right.

Henry likes any project that involves pillows, and thinks that for my next project I should re-upholster a seraglio

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