Wednesday, July 13, 2011


One of the delightful gifts the boys have given me is a propensity to clench my teeth at night. Something about the sleep deprivation, who knows really. But I've cracked a few teeth (!) and my dentist recommended a night guard.

Sometime last night I woke up to boys crying, and fumbled the guard out of my mouth so that I could go see what was up in there. After some butt-patting and some shushing they calmed down. I crawled back into bed and shoved the guard back in my mouth.

Only it didn't feel right. My brain wasn't completely awake so I flipped the thing around, thinking I'd put it in backwards. Still wrong.

Then I realized I was trying to cram a teething toy into my mouth.


constructobot said...

wow. Poor teeth! Did you crack actual teeth, or fillings/ crowns? If the former, you may have a formidable, if difficult to to use superpower.

Kathy said...

The last line made my night! Haha :)
but hope your teeth are better ^^

-Kathy from