Friday, April 8, 2011

Circles of Neglect

I never quite understood what people meant when they said that they loved an item that entertained their baby for 10 minutes. I mean, what can you really do in ten minutes?

hard at work

The babies are asleep, so I have ten minutes to tell you that ten minutes is an eternity with babies. The list of things that I would do is pretty much endless. Enter: the circles of neglect.

Liam exploring physics with monkeys

Our friends Kristie and Andrew coined the term. You put a child in one, and you can have upwards of fifteen minutes hands-free. If I'm in the kitchen where they can see me, they will sometimes play happily for twenty minutes. This is long enough to make coffee, drink it while it is still warm, and at least start to get dinner going. Or eat some lunch myself. It is a whole new world!

I used to mock these things, these garish plastic monstrosities. That's totally fine by me now. Just the other day, I managed to pick apart an entire poached chicken to put in a pot of soup. Can you imagine how hard it is to pick a chicken one-handed, with a screeching baby on your hip? It is difficult.

always coveting what is on the neighboring circle

Friends loaned us one circle, and then last weekend we ponied up and bought a second one. Sure, it makes walking through our kitchen a bit of a parkour exercise, but I can take that. They will sit in the jungle one and push monkeys back and forth and back and forth. They hop up and down in the green one and smack everything within reach. It is entertaining, especially while I'm drinking coffee.


Dash rocks his inner Mr. Rogers


constructobot said...

First, that is the best baby-item phrase yet coined. And second, ten minutes IS an eternity- and I am so excited that your ten minutes might be... concomitant? I mean they are amused at the same time? Drink lots of coffee, sister, and make yourself some yummy treat that you WILL NOT SHARE!! (quick, before they want whatever you're eating)

Dad said...

Wow! Dash and Liam look like they are kings-of-the-world in training. I hope this lasts for the next several months at least.

Dash looks pensive and creative in his Rogers cardigan. I can't wait until the boys can chalk land-of make-believe stepping stones on your driveway:-) Stanza

Lex Alius said...

I wonder if you can measure in terms of 'baby' how much time can be dilated per unit of baby distraction. Fascinating.