1. Babies keep growing
2. Charlie keeps cooking
Thus far the two items do not intersect, but they will someday. For now let's look at the tasty treats coming out of our kitchen.
Blueberry Basil Goat Cheese Pie. I have to capitalize every word because it is pretty much the most epic pie ever. It rolls a 20 in deliciousness. First seen several months ago on an episode of Diners Drive -ins and Dives, Charlie watched the segment several times and meticulously copied down what he thought the chef was doing. He researched the pie again before cooking and the recipe had been recently posted online. Turns out he had figured it out almost perfectly. His ratios were spot on, but he had guessed one cup where the recipe called for 1/2. Pretty good for sherlock holmes recipe writing!
This pie, oh this pie was delicious. I could eat it every night, so it's a good thing he only made one.
Then there was the limoncello. Citrus has been in season around here, and we picked up two big bags of lemons the other day. When we were in the Amalfi region of Italy, every restaurant had their own limoncello concoction. To my delight, they all seemed set on acquiring your judgment through bringing you a small glass of it after every meal. Oh yes, fantastic restaurateur, if you would be so kind as to bring me a frosty finger of your best lemon, I will be happy to give you my opinion. And while our own first effort wasn't as good as the best limoncello we had there, it was pretty damn tasty.
First, a week of the pith-less peels floating in some Everclear. Then marry that with a simple syrup blend and viola. The most interesting part: the lemon-infused liquor was absolutely clear yellow (not photographed because, well, it looked like pee). The cooled simple syrup was also crystal clear. But combine the two and instantly it assumed the traditional cloudy bright yellow color.
And finally, a cute baby attack: