Monday, August 24, 2009

Leafy thiefy

The secret ingredient to crisp pickles is a grape leaf in every jar.
Alas, the veg stand that I bought cucumbers from was all out. I had
the great idea to stop at chateau st. michelle on the way home and
"visit" their decorative grapevines. Thanks mom, for being my
lookout. Time to make pickles!


constructobot said...

hey- I can send a whole bunch in the mail to you

.... if freshness isn't an issue

Anonymous said...

Why do grape leaves make for great pickles

sarah said...

Grape leaves contain a natural inhibitor for the softening action caused by pectinolytic and cellulolytic enzymes. Most of the time the tip is passed down as a kind of pickled old-wives tale, but there is actually science behind it.