Monday, August 17, 2009

Knitting voyuerism continued...

I am sitting outside a coffeeshop, knitting while I wait for Charlie
and Jeff and Suzanne to show up for dinner.

There is a woman at the table next to me talking in her phone. She's
been at it for several minutes and the only words she has used are "oh
my god." Yet she is having the most dynamic conversation-- sometimes
she whispers it, then every syllable is musical with laughter, and
then there's the stacatto "oh. my. god" of judgement for some
unfortunate person's actions.


constructobot said...

hee hee
if only it were in pittsburgh- then you could have heard endless variations on "ee mee gwod!"

Anonymous said...

I work with a vibrant woman who says oh my god a hundred times a day. She makes me feel like an amateur human being...non electric! How nice of you to notice and record your west coast vibrant woman! Hope dinner was scrumptious! costanza