Friday, January 9, 2009

House tools

Since the rain stopped for today (yay!) I took the opportunity to clear some of the brush outside. Our street was still down to one lane because of fallen tree branches. All clean now! I let the chickens out while I was working and they stubbornly refused to return to the coop. After a good 20 minutes of chasing them I threw my hands in the air and told them they could all get eaten alive if that's what they really wanted. Hopefully once it gets a bit darker out they will go in on their own.

what you have when you own a house

what you have when you own a house in the woods

I really enjoy my chainsaw, but the axe makes for a great cardio workout. I only now noticed that Penelope is in that axe photo. I promise that it is only in my mind I want to chop the stubborn little chicken for being so obstinate.

Eggs laid in the coop today: 5
Eggs laid this year: 36

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