Tuesday, April 1, 2008

spring stutter

Charlie went to Toronto on business this weekend, and his big car growled off at 4 am on Sunday morning through several inches of snow to pick up a couple of coworkers who were also going. I pottered around inside, and watched the snow melt with rain. And then it snowed again. Then rain. Then hail, then snow. Then nothing yesterday afternoon so I went to the grocery store and in the 10 minutes I was gone there were another 4 inches of snow and I had to park my car at the bottom of the neighborhood and walk home. By the time I puffed my way up the last big hill it was sleeting. Hours later, the snow was completely gone. Charlie came back from his trip and drove me back down to get my car and I brought it home over completely clear roads.

Insanity! Today it is sunny and in the high 40's. I think I will start wearing a bikini underneath long underwear.


In sad news, the littlest black puff chick died mysteriously while I was out today. She was fine in the morning, and stone cold when I got home 4 hours later. There were some strange problems with the McMurray hatchery and an outbreak of Avian Encephalomyelitis, and I thought I had escaped being a victim. You really can't tell that they are sick except that maybe they are a little unsteady on their feet. Frankly, they are so tiny that I can't tell a wobble from a 'learning how to walk' lurch. The bigger girls all appear fine, and the littlest have been living separately anyway. Now I just have to keep the last puff by herself and see if she pulls through. Luckily if they do have it and survive, then they are immune. Be strong, little puff!

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