Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Boo, Hiss

First, the resounding boo for the enormous coyote I scared out of the back yard this morning. I was changing the turkey's water and giving them some food when I saw a brown shape to my left. I think the coyote noticed me at the same time that I saw him, because he high-tailed it into the woods. The most shocking part was his size. I've seen some wild dogs cavorting in fields in Redmond, but this guy was really big. Larger than a Labrador, smaller than a Great Dane. Too big to fit into my large-animal trap, for sure. Luckily he seemed rather skittish. I'm sure I'll see more missing cat signs up next week. Come to think of it, he was the size that could have eaten Hans the goat easily.

Hiss is for the flat tire I got on my way home this morning. I managed to drift into the driveway before it deflated down to a little puddle. The upside is that the spare has a sprightly mustard yellow rim color. Quite festive!

Then there was tasty. Charlie and I ate at the Crossroads food court for dinner. You may turn up your nose at your average mall food court, but not this one. It's got just about every nationality represented food-wise. Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, Indian, Thai, Mediterranean, Italian, and Russian. And a few others too. Charlie had some of the tastiest pierogi I've ever had the pleasure of stealing from his plate. The stuffing was lamb and beef.

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